Kalaika Y. Sugita was born and raised on Oahu. Growing up in the city if Waipahu, he was introduced to a diverse
set of cultures from all over the world. Having such a great opportunity for a diverse perspective, cultivated a
deep understanding of how the universe works …LOVE & COMPASSION.
He pours that Ohana spirit in to each piece he creates. He connects with the collectiveness of the universal energies to make each creation unique. Calling upon these different spiritual energies, such as earth, air, fire and water; allows each power creation to take on its own diverse energies. Each of these individual elemental vibrations is requested to join in on a ritual ceremony when Kalaika orchestrates a symphonic masterpiece.
Not only are his pieces unique, but they are far from costume jewelry. Kalaika’s designs are meant for people
who work in the realm of light workers, to bring forth positive change in the world.
Pick up one of his creations and feel the light energy work through you.